I have four words for you: Sex on the Beach. This is my all
time favorite drink to order when I’m out at the bar with my friends. So, why
not make this bar drink into a backyard shindig treat? This fruit drink may
have a provocative name but it’s worth the embarrassment for the first time you
order it, I promise!
Photo credit http://www.stepbystep.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Sex-on-the-beach-cocktail-400x400.jpg
History Lesson (on the beach, of course): In 1987 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, bartender Ted
Pizio was using the brand new peach schnapps to win the $100 dollar prize for
selling the most peach schnapps. The drink he created: Confetti’s mixed peach
schnapps, vodka, orange juice and grenadine. When asked what it was called he
immediately thought of Ft. Lauderdale and why people came there on spring
break: for the beach and sex, he thought. So he called it Sex on the beach.
Thus, the drink was born. So if you were wondering how the drink got named,
well there you go!
A Sex on the Beach is a Vodka-based drink with Peach
schnapps. The drink is normally made with cranberry juice and then orange or
pineapple juice. It can be made in two ways. One: vodka, peach schnapps, orange
juice, and cranberry juice. Or two: vodka, Midori Melon Liqueur, Razzmatazz,
pineapple juice and cranberry juice. Grenadine can be used if there is no
cranberry juice, but for those of you who are not bar-drink friendly, if you use too
much grenadine it can make your drink sickeningly sweet and unbearable to
drink. In my opinion, you're better off to stick to the classic recipe! A few other options are ‘Woo Woo’,
which is a Sex on the Beach for those of you who do not like orange juice. For anyone under 21 or who don’t drink alcohol there is a variation called
‘Virgins on the Beach’.
Ready to try out a bar drink in your own backyard?
Sex on the Beach (alcoholic)
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1
What you need:
1.5 oz Vodka
0.5 oz Peach schnapps
1.5 oz Orange or Pineapple juice
1.5 oz Cranberry juice
Add all ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice. Shake,
and strain into a glass. Then, Enjoy!
Recipe can be found at
Virgins on the Beach (non-alcoholic)
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1
What you need:
1 part orange juice
1 part cranberry juice
1 oz peach nectar
1 tablespoon grenadine syrup.
Mix equal parts of orange juice and cranberry juice, add
peach nectar, and pour over ice. Add grenadine. Then, Enjoy!
Recipe can be found at
So are you going to surprise your friends with a ‘Sex on the
Beach’ next time they come to your backyard party? And if so, I hope you plan on inviting me!